The automatic gate, barrier and entrance way industry in the UK is becoming increasingly concerned with safety and for a very good reason. Numerous unfortunate, avoidable accidents have made headlines in the past 5 years.
Understandably, anyone in the industry wants to ensure that their installations are not only safe, but also meet the required UK laws.
Guidelines drawn up for the sector are not black and white. Interpretation is difficult and even the alleged trade associations persistently demonstrate a lack of understanding.
This has lead to manufacturers and installers of automation equipment wrestling to understand their responsibilities.
For the past 5 years CAME have been deeply involved in helping find solutions to these vital issues of safety. After presenting CAME safety training to over 2000 installers, CAME can now bring an approved training course to the market, CAMESAFE Installers.
What is a CAMESafe Installer?
CAMESAFE Installers are the culmination of all the experience and knowledge we have gained from studying, interpreting, presenting and discussing solutions to automation safety for the past 5 years.
By formalising the training structure and developing a method of assessing trainees learning outcomes, we can now award a level of competence to individuals who pass the module examinations.
Delegates who attain CAMESAFE Installer status are entitled to use their individual CAMESAFE Installer badge to promote the highest level of safety in their automation installations.
Companies who nominate a CAMESAFE Installer representative will also be able to display their own unique CAMESAFE Installer badge.
Gate Automation Specialist are pleased to announce that our staff have passed the CAMESafe Installer course and are now qualified CAMESafe Installers.
Pass date:
Matt Lamb 11/01/2018
Jamie Graham 05/04/2018